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From IDEA to Architecture Design

 Penulis: Lilianny Sigit Arifin, David Kharisma Putra  Category: Book  Publisher: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat  Telah Terbit: 2020  ISBN: 9786027416345  Laman: 42

Learning to produce an architectural work is a process of creating from nothing into existence. Thus the basic principle of learning architectural design is how to obtain an “IDEA”. Starting from this idea we can continue to create a work called architecture. many steps can be taken to start the application process of an idea in the architectural world. A person with strong intuitive skills will find the application of the/her design intuitively. On the other hand, there are those who acquire guidance to facilitate them in finding a design, so a focus on certain factors is used, such as cultural or technical aspects, or as in recent issues like environmental aspects combined with novel material findings. The use a mindset with a particular focus to create a design is ofter called as using the design approach.
